Lately I’ve been talking to a lot of dads feeling the provider pressure.
Especially in our line of work where there is no guarantee of a steady paycheck.
And the bills don’t stop.
It’s carrying a heavy burden alone that no one really sees.
I see you. I feel you.
You want your kids to have the best life. To thrive.
Here’s the deal.
Sitting around in fear and worry is not a constructive use.
Use these thoughts and feelings to commit to helping and serving more people in your industry.
Or commit to serving the ones you have more deeply.
Take care of their needs.
In turn, your needs will also be looked after.
This is not a time to play small.
Step up and lead.
Make an impact.
You will still experience these thoughts and feelings.
But you will have the financial resources to take care of your family.
Don’t know who needs to hear this today.
Just letting you know you’re not alone.
Random thoughts on a Thursday morning in the Amazon jungle in Peru.
May the force be with you.
If you need to talk about it, I have a friendly ear for you.
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