Lots 10 years before they even had a name.
Retainer plus share of ad spend
White label
Rank and rent
Revenue share
Back end
Referral campaigns
Done with you
My biggest regret?
I heard Kasim Aslam echo the same thing.
-> Not asking for more of the upside. <-
I remember my first big client success. A plastic surgeon in Dallas named Sam.
We added $3 million annually to his bottom line.
Suddenly $400/month for SEO seemed like an extreme bargain.
If I had just said $400/month plus 10%, it would have been a$300k/year deal. Same work.
If you got shit that works…
…ask for a share of the wins.
You have nothing to lose.
Random thoughts on a Friday in Mexico.
May the force be with you.
If you run a digital marketing agency…
…get a copy of my book: https://amzn.to/2XbKcPl