Most agency owners don’t really understand how hard it is to…

1. Get

2. And keep…

attention in 2024.

And it’s only going to get harder.

Because AI is only accelerating how much stuff is out there.

If you understand what to do about it, you will thrive.

Around early 2009, my clients started getting cold emails about SEO.

A few months later it was everything else too.

Ads. Funnels. Websites. PPC. Sales copy.


Don’t forget it’s not just us cold pitching.

There were the insurance salesman, the real estate agents, and the financial planners.

In fact, I have clients who have been getting 100+ cold pitches a day for 15 straight years.

That’s over 500,000 messages.


That’s just their inbox.

Throw in Netflix, 8000 social media apps, billboards, Spotify, celebrity news, family, food, etc etc.

There is a lot of stuff competing for their attention.

What’s the point of this rant?

I think most people greatly, greatly underestimate what’s required to get and keep someone’s attention.

And so they say things like…

“Well I sent 100 emails (one time) and no one bought.”


“A client seemed interested but then cooled off and ghosted me.”


“I tried Facebook and didn’t get a return for $200.

“You’re just not doing enough reps to break through the noise.

You aren’t even playing the game for real until you put in 8 to 12 reps.

And for real, for real when you’ve got 1000’s.

Interesting story.

There was a college class on photography.

They gave half the class one assignment and half the class a different assignment.

Group 1: Take just one picture all semester and make it the best picture of your life.

Group 2: Take a picture every day and then submit your best one.

Here‘s the crazy part.

Group 2 won the quantity (obviously)…


…they also wont the quality too.

They had the best pictures too.

It‘s impossible to get good at anything without reps.

Keep going.

Random thoughts on a Tuesday in Mexico.

May the force be with you.

If you run a digital marketing agency…

…get a copy of my book: