Weekly Q&A

Topics include:

* So I recently started retooling my seo agency model from SEO agency to more of a Rank & Rent SEO model. What would you say about going this route?


Cheers Frankie. The only thing with doing it that way, wouldn’t you be relying on the client/restaurant owner to do the tracking for you, as this all happens at their end?

This, in my (totally unexperienced) eyes could raise a few issues, which I won’t go into here.

Would it be possible in the Ad, to set up an instant form or even just place a CTA to direct the customers straight to the reservation page?

Feel free to tell me I’m talking bollocks, I’m just trying to see if there are other ways, without using ‘out of my league’ priced software.

FYI – I don’t even own/run an agency yet – still learning the ropes. Cheers mate.

* Despite all the hype about GHL, are there any people using other methods to manage and nurture leads?

I just really don’t like GHL, I know that there are other ways but if it means a lot of going around, headache, and management then I will probably go with GHL.

Just curious what’s your experience if you did both

* Wanted to ask you what your best offers have been lately to get the foot in the door for the first meetings?

Shameless Plug: I run a VA office in Cebu City, if you want some collectors I can “Pimp My Workers” to you if you need help with that.

* What works best for home improvement / trades google ads or facebook ads? Such as someone selling kitchen remodeling etc

* With the discussions around personal branding versus business branding, i’m wondering which one our members here use to target prospects.

* Does everyone just use their plain old email account to send their cold outreach?

I think I ruined my deliverability by spray-and-pray email blasting prospects in the early stages…wondering what other people’s approaches are…

* What’s the ONE breakthrough strategy that skyrocketed your agency’s growth in 2023?

Share your secret to success below

* Good morning. We’re thinking of starting some cold outreach/outbound campaigns for our agency. Up to this point all of our leads have come from inbound and referrals.

What software are ya’ll using for..

lead scraping

email validation

cold email outreach

Thank you in advance for your insights!!

* Do you use SOPs in your agency? If so, how do you document them?

* Invoicing vs subscription/automatic billing…

How do you politely ask your clients to switch from regular monthly invoicing to a subscription/automatic billing type setup to improve cash flow within your business?

Also – would you go with Paypal or Stripe for this?

If you run a digital marketing agency…

…get a copy of my book: https://amzn.to/2XbKcPl